In Remembrance...

Monday, December 7, 2009 | | | |
For those of you who are more historically inclined, you will recognize that today is December 7th, which happens to mark the 58th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. I've always wondered why the date doesn't get more fanfare from the general public while 9/11 is revered. The truth of the matter is that 58 years ago, some of the bravest young men this country has ever turned out, in the truest act of bravery, gave their lives for the ultimate sacrifice. It seems to me, that gone are the days that America had a stomach for a fight, not that our men and women in uniform aren't up to the task, but rather the public and the media become so squeamish at the idea of bloodshed. December 7th should be a reminder to us that there is a responsibility and a cost that comes with our freedom.

Here is a recording of FDR's famous "Day of Infamy" speech after the attacks.

Also, for those of you with a love of classic war movies, I highly recommend the classic "Tora! Tora! Tora!". It may be a little more historical (read: boring) for those of you who prefer modern cinema, but it's much closer to the real events than the Hollywood-ized "Pearl Harbor". There used to be an online copy that floated around the free sites like Hulu, but that seems to be gone, so maybe you can find it on netflix, or (gasp) Blockbuster.

I might check back in later tonight with a fuller post, but for now, I wish you all a happy Monday, and never forget the freedoms that we have been given.



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