Battle for the Box Office: Billy's Picks

Thursday, December 3, 2009 | | | |
Danny Latin posted a basic logo... I posted an even MORE basic one

Okay kids, you read what Danny Latin said up there (if you didn't, scroll up and read the rules and check out the links he posted as resources; it's a pretty simple and easy competition). This guy thinks he's a hotshot, so I want your help to show him why his picks for the weekend are wrong. Post your predictions for the weekend's top 5 box office draws as a comment and we'll see who's got the best eye for widespread movie appeal out of all of us. My picks are as follows:

1. New Moon
2. Armored
3. The Blind Side
4. A Christmas Carol
5. 2012

I think New Moon has enough of a hormone-crazed, lame romance junkie-fied teenage girl fanbase to squeeze another week out of the #1 spot. The Blind Side did enjoy a surge in popularity this past week, but I don't think that will last much longer because, frankly, it looks boring (there's no scientific basis for this, it's just my gut instinct talking here). That said, it's still new enough to take in more than A Christmas Carol and 2012, which have already been in theaters for 4 weeks and 3 weeks, respectively. A Christmas Carol gets the edge over 2012 simply because of the increasing proximity to Christmas and the fact that 2012's novelty is wearing off fast. The big newcomer here is Armored, which looks interesting enough for a strong opening (not to mention its popularity going up by over 400% this week in imdb), and its target demographic being large enough to compete with those of either New Moon or The Blind Side.

So there you have it. Let us know what your picks are; you don't need reasons, just an ordered list (although feel free to give reasons if you're so inclined). Just don't forget to include some sort of username with your comment so we can give credit to whoever earns the most points next week. And trust me, you want to be a part of this action... being in with this crowd is all the rage these days.

See you tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

OK I gotta say that your logo here is AWESOME!!!
Very creative and also well drawn.
Danny's is ok, but the creativity and time put forth into this effort is truly to be admired.
I give it a 9.7865.

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