The 1st Official "Battle Royale: Battle for the Box Office"

Thursday, December 3, 2009 | | | |

Alrighty friends, believe it or not, we work hard here at Battle Royale to bring you content that is fun and entertaining, now we are looking for you guys to get in on the action. We are going to start a game here at Battle Royale, a game that we will play every Thursday morning. We are calling it the "Battle Royale: Battle for the Box Office". Every Thursday, Billy and I will pick our top 5 projections for the upcoming weekend box office returns. We will rank our selections 1-5 and post them here on Thursday morning. What we want you guys to do, is to play along. We aren't box office experts, and we don't have any inside information that you guys don't, all we are doing is having a little fun. So, every Thursday when you come here and read our predictions, post your predictions as a comment, and include either your name or a pseudonym. We will tally up the results every week and announce the weekly winners as well as post the overall scoreboard for the entire competition, that way you guys can play along and see if you have better luck picking the box office smashes from the busts.

The scoring will work this way. You will get 1 point for every movie which you correctly predict will be in the top 5, and you will get 2 points for every movie whose rank you guess exactly. For example, here is last weekend's top 5 box office hits:

1. New Moon- $43m
2. The Blind Side- $40m
3. 2010- $18m
4. Old Dogs- $17m
5. A Christmas Carol- $16m

So, if you guessed those 5 in exact order you would get:

1 point for each movie correctly in top 5- 5 points
2 points for each movie in correct position- 10 points

Total- 15 points

Pretty simple enough, 15 of course is the maximum number of points that you can get per week.

To help you out in your quest, here is the link to the weekend box office results (which we will also be using for our official results) courtesy of Box Office Mojo.

The best way to guess the top 5 correctly is to examine the previous weekend's results, and then predict how the new releases will do, with that in mind, here is the link for the upcoming releases each week, again courtesy of Box Office Mojo.

So, there you have it, we hope you will participate with us, as it will make it a little more enjoyable if I have more of a challenge than just beating up on Billy every week. With all that said, here are my picks for the top 5 movies of next weekend

1. The Blind Side
2. New Moon
3. Brothers
4. Armored
5. 2012

There you have it, the gauntlet has been thrown, let the games commence.



Jess B said...

Top 5 List:
1. New Moon (like Billy i think this will be on top again this weekend)
2. Brothers
3. 2012
4. Everybod's fine
5. A Christmas Carol

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